136 - 136 of 151 results

140mm Bamboo Coffee Stirrer Emb Individually - Pack 500 units

Product no.: M114052-0002

In stock
Delivery period: 24 / 48 hours Portugal / delivery Spain 36 / 48h / Europe working days

7.63 / pack(s)
Price with tax
Shipping costs calculated on weight products
Delivery weight: 0.425 kg
1 unit(s) = 0.02 €
Price reductions

1 unit(s) = 0.02 €

140mm Bamboo Coffee Stirrer

Copos Ecológicos

Be sure to contact us for other quotes geral@coposplastico.com
Telephone (+351) 210513800 / (+351) 211518011

Additional product information

NetPrice 6,20
Vol_envio 0,5
Quantity Package

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136 - 136 of 151 results