Unbreakable Cups Polycarbonate (PC)

Unbreakable Cups Polycarbonate (PC)

Hospitality and Restaurant Specialists- Take away
References always in Stock +351 210513800 geral@coposplastico.com

Leaders in Online selling, be sure to consult us - geral@coposplastico.com


Made of polycarbonate , this material is known for its high impact strength , flame resistant , good dimensional stability ,
good electrical properties , one of the most important plastics .
Polycarbonate is it a common material in use for events , bars , nightclubs and day to day for all of us .
In that the plastic is a bad heat conductor , is a greater ability to retain the cool or warm for extended periods of time, thus providing a quality maintenance of the liquid drink .
Its properties of impact resistance and will flame, makes it the ideal choice for protection against vandalism or accidents .
Its use avoids the high cost of replacing broken glass and objects damaged by fragments thereof.
Washable and reusable , without losing the brightness and appearance of a glass high gloss .




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